Human Trafficking


Today’s reading: Exod 21:1–23:33, John 4:27–42, Song 3:1–2

Today’s theme: Human Trafficking

For many years, European imperialists would grossly distort the bible to justify slavery when in fact, the bible specifically speaks against the type of slavery which defined the Atlantic Slave Trade (1508 – 1838), where men were stolen from their homes and sold like cattle.

God says that this type of human trafficking is worthy of death and is a great sin.

The types of slavery found in bible times were nothing like this abusive and perverted form of slavery.

This destroys the argument that Christianity is the “white man’s” religion or that the bible is a tool for control and tyranny.

Today as Christians, we must take a stand against human trafficking, in all its modern forms.

Human Trafficking

“Whoever steals a man and sells him, and anyone found in possession of him, shall be put to death. Exodus 21:16 (ESV)

The stealing of men from Africa, for sale in the European and American slave trade, was an abomination before God.

Most of the above post is a copy of the original notes from the same date in 2014

Additional resources

TGC on Human Trafficking 


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