The only God


Today’s Reading: Isa 37:14–38:22, Luke 13:1–35, Job 9:1–11

Today’s Theme: The only God

Today’s lesson is that God alone is God, the choice to repent or perish and the fact that God wins.

Isaiah 37:14–38:22

The only God

So now, O Lord our God, save us from his hand, that all the kingdoms of the earth may know that you alone are the Lord.” (Isaiah 37:20, ESV)

We boldly declare that God is the only God, there are no other gods, idols are not true gods neither are demons or men. Only God is God.

This is one of the most important developments in the biblical narrative, that there is only one God, Lord, Creator, Redeemer and King worthy of worship.

We remember this today as we pray to God, knowing He alone is God and so can do anything. Hezekiah prays with great wisdom, he appeals to God’s desire to glorify His name in the earth and spread His fame as the one and only God over and above the false gods of men.

God answered this prayer of Hezekiah declaring He had determined to defeat the enemy long ago and sent his angel against the enemies army. Later when Hezekiah prays for God to extend his life, God also responds. God’s ability to answer these prayers makes clear that our God is sovereign over all. This truth should strengthen our faith as we approach God in prayer today.

Luke 13:1–35

Repent or perish

No, I tell you; but unless you repent, you will all likewise perish.” (Luke 13:5, ESV)

Jesus makes clear that the thoughts of those in Israel reflected the same thoughts as expressed in Job and in today’s world. This was the understanding that disaster was connected to sin and judgement.

Jesus does away with this faulty understanding of natural disasters and bad events by summing all men up in the same predicament. We will all face death and the judgement that comes after death so we are all called to repent. We must turn from our sin, or we will perish eternally in Hell. This is not God’s desire for you which is why He calls us to repent.

When we truly repent we will also bear fruits of repentance that God and men can eat from our lives like forgiveness, love, kindness and mercy. We will strive to live for God in holiness and enter the straight gate to eternal life.

Our reading includes the account of the woman with the issue of blood who Satan had bound for many years. Jesus comes and sets her free which is a picture of the freedom we receive in Christ when we repent of our sin.

Job 9:1–11

God wins

If one wished to contend with him, one could not answer him once in a thousand times. He is wise in heart and mighty in strength —who has hardened himself against him, and succeeded? – (Job 9:3–4, ESV)

God is the only God, He is sovereign and if God is put on trial He will always win. Don’t fight a losing battle, repent and believe the Gospel, you can not harden yourself against the only God and win.

Thank God that we are made righteous by Christ before God.

From 17th until 23rd August the Daily Bible Reading notes will take a shorter summarised format for the summer break.

Most of the above post is a copy of the original notes from the same date in 2014.

Additional resources

The Gospel Coalition on Luke 13

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