God of Covenants


Today’s Reading:  2 Sam 7:1–8:18, 1 Pet 4:12–19, Ps 137:1–9

Today’s Theme: God of Covenants

Today’s theme is about the covenants God makes with His people. This is one of the most important covenants alongside the Abrahamic one, it is called the Davidic covenant which finds it’s fulfilment in Jesus Christ. We also explore important themes like the theology of place and the activity of God.

2 Samuel 7:1–8:18

A place to dwell

And I will appoint a place for my people Israel and will plant them, so that they may dwell in their own place and be disturbed no more. And violent men shall afflict them no more, as formerly, 2 Samuel 7:10 (ESV)

We pick up another theme here which is the importance of a dwelling place. It is part of God’s plan that people have a place to live, a safe place, a place called home (including his covenant people Israel).*

This is evident throughout God’s word. In creation God made a habitation for man called the garden of Eden (Genesis 2:8). Jesus told his disciples that He would go and prepare a place for them (John 14:2-3) and in the final revelation we see the new heaven and earth (Revelation 21:1-2).

There is a difference between spaces which are empty of meaning or definition and places which are endowed with meaning and value. We live in a day where the theology and importance of place has been forgotten. Many people are displaced physically and spiritually. It is important that we recognise the importance of place in fulfilling the great commission and reaching all peoples.

The places God plants us are not random, God has a great purpose in places. He has set the boundaries (Acts 17:26). Ask God to give you a clear understanding of the importance of place and dwelling in your own life and mission today.

*While giving Nathan the prophetic decree of covenant for David, God reminds him of the existing covenant He made with Abraham. Part of the covenant with Abraham was that God would secure a land for the people of Israel.

The land that God assigned for Israel includes modern day Israel and more of the land in modern day Jordan. God’s promise to keep a land that the children of Israel can call their own is still true today. God has not cast off the children of Israel.

We must consider the irrational behaviour and beliefs of the nations surrounding modern day Israel, who in a racist rage demand that Israel not live in the land or exist as a nation. This is driven by a demonic agenda to fight against God’s covenants, promises and purposes.

The House of David

from the time that I appointed judges over my people Israel. And I will give you rest from all your enemies. Moreover, the LORD declares to you that the LORD will make you a house. 2 Samuel 7:11 (ESV)

David had a heart to worship and honour God and it was not contrived he genuinely loved the Lord. In his desire to build a house for God, God turns and commits to build David a house.

This is the foundation to the Davidic covenant which saw David’s family rule from Jerusalem for almost 400 years and finds it’s ultimate fulfilment in David’s greatest son, Jesus the Christ (Mark 10:47).

As we commit or ways to the Lord and seek to build a house for him, we are actually building a house and legacy for ourselves, so we must as Paul said be careful how we build (1 Corinthians 3:10).

The Active God

Because of your promise, and according to your own heart, you have brought about all this greatness, to make your servant know it. Therefore you are great, O LORD God. For there is none like you, and there is no God besides you, according to all that we have heard with our ears. 2 Samuel 7:21–22 (ESV)

David recognised God as the great active God, God is not passive. Many false philosophies have crept into our thinking in the West, disarming God of the power to act.

For example; those who reject the Biblical revelation of God as creator and embrace the false story of evolution have in recent years acknowledged the shaky ground of their proposition that nothing gave rise to everything and so have embraced or at least entertained the idea of Deism. The idea that God like a great watchmaker got the universe started and now leaves it to run itself without the need or ability to intervene.

We reject this view of God for two major reasons, 1) this is not the Biblical revelation of God, the Bible tells us God is active and intervenes in the affairs of man and has plans which He actively engages with and brings to pass. 2) Our own experience with God is in accord with the God of the Bible.

God actively brings His purpose to pass today, He actively keeps His covenants. This should fill us with awe, praise and faith.

Be active

These also King David dedicated to the LORD, together with the silver and gold that he dedicated from all the nations he subdued, 2 Samuel 8:11 (ESV)

We have established that God is active in fulfilling the covenants He has made. We too have a part to play, we need to have faith and invest in God’s purpose, plans and kingdom.

David played his part by giving all the treasure to God to be used for God’s purposes.

We can be active in bringing God’s word to pass by giving our money, time, abilities and energy to God’s mission.

How can you be active today?

1 Peter 4:12–19

Conflict and Glory

If you are insulted for the name of Christ, you are blessed, because the Spirit of glory and of God rests upon you. 1 Peter 4:14 (ESV)

There is no glory without conflict and suffering. This is true for the glory of winning a battle or winning a race, to reach the desired end the fighter or runner needs to go through suffering to achieve the glorious result.

It is the same for us as Christians we must not be shocked when we go through difficulty and suffering for being a Christian. This is almost guaranteed, because we live lives contrary to the world around us which will inevitably lead to conflict.

We should encourage ourselves by looking forward to the glory we will one day receive, knowing that our covenant keeping God will not fail us.

We entrust our souls to our faithful Creator, just like Jesus did on the cross.

Thank God that the Holy Spirit rests upon you as you endure trials and suffering for the name of Christ. It is through suffering and trials that the promises of the covenant will be ours in Christ.

Psalm 137:1–9

Sing, even when you don’t feel like it

How shall we sing the LORD’s song in a foreign land? Psalm 137:4 (ESV)

We should continue to sing to the Lord even in the middle of difficulty and trials, because God will bring His word to pass we should continue to praise Him in faith.

Most of the above post is a copy of the original notes from the same date in 2014.

Additional resources

The Gospel Coalition on 1 Peter 4

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